DNC Support in ICTBroadcast

ICTBroadcast provides two types of DNC list:

  • Master DNC
  • User DNC.

Master DNC list is the country-wide DNC list provided by the government bodies such as FCC and FTC in the U.S. Whereas User DNC is a list for every user who is performing fax or voice broadcasting using ICTBroadcast. It allows a call or fax recipient to be removed from your calling lists automatically. This list can be populated manually as well as automatically when some call recipient chooses to opt out. When using ICTBroadcast, it is up to the user to ensure that all Federal and State laws are followed. But most aspects of voice broadcasts are heavily regulated within the system including the time of day to call and limitations on where to call. DNC

ICTBroadcast incorporates Answering Machine Detection, enabling you to hang up calls on AMD detection or leave different messages for answering machines, according to requirements. DNC Support

AMD Support in ICTBroadcast

ICTBroadcast has built-in support for Answering Machine Detection (AMD). This feature distinguishes between a human and a machine when a call is answered by the other party. This is important to know because humans and machines behave differently. If you are running an interactive campaign where you would like your call recipient to respond by pressing some key, in such scenario, if the call is picked by an answering machine, then you would really like to play a different message or would like to simply hang up because the machine cannot respondAMD

Answering Machine Detection heavily relies on the response on the other end of the line. This is mainly because once the copper ends it is tough to predict the nature of the conversation, whether it is a live person or a machine. Answering machine detection then becomes an exercise in predicting human behavior. ICTBroadcast team has vast experience in handling these situations and that is why AMD has better performance results than its competitors.

Answering Machine Detection (AMD) Support in auto dialer software