Recently ICT Innovations released Integration addon, Integration addon enable ICTBroadcast admin/user to configure campaigns to post or send call-related events to remote systems / third party applications also called push call status/webhook notifications. ICTBroadcast can use 3rd party APIs to communicate with remote systems. ICTBroadcast users can create dynamic integration using call and contact tokens.

Currently, users are able to use integration with IVR, End of call (push call status) also integration can be used in integration campaigns.

Following are the instruction regarding integration addon.

Integration as Push Call Status

Integration with IVR

Create integration

Perform the following steps to create an integration:

  • Choose Messages from ICTBroadcast top menu
  • Click on Integrations

And then fill the form as follows

  • Integration name
  • Integration description
  • Integration type


Currently, there are two integration protocols are available, SOAP WSDL and HTTP. Each protocol require a different set of configuration as mentioned in following

Custom HTTP Request

HTTP protocol covers REST, GET / Curl or custom HTTP POST requests


Remote Url

URL to remote application or API, users are allowed to build/customize this field using available tokens.

HTTP Method

There are four different HTTP methods are available, the user needs to select the appropriate method as per the remote application’s requirement

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

Request Data

Post data or body of HTTP request, users are allowed to build/customize this field using available tokens. Further, it is allowed to use formatted text. i.e XML or JSON

Note: in case of encoded text please remember to include required headers in the header field, in case required by the remote application.

Request Headers

If remote applications require certain headers in a request for example AuthorizationCookies, etc… they can be added in this field.

Note: please remember to enter each header on a separate line. for example

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Cookie: $Version=1; Skin=new;

Response Encoding

The accepted format for response (currently not in use)


Soap and WSDL based interface for integration has following configuration options



A valid WSDL address for SOUP service

SOAP Action

Soap method to call

Soap Parameters

A list of soap parameters can be given as name and value pair, in the value field either the user can select a token or can enter a custom value.

Integration Administration


Integration module and features are only available to those users having permission for this module. Admin can assign / unassign user permission for integration module from User management -> Permissions or from Role management -> Permissions.