Answering Machine Detection


ICTBroadcast incorporates Answering Machine Detection, enabling you to hang up calls on AMD detection or leave different messages for answering machines, according to requirements. Learn more about ICTBroadcast


ICTBroadcast provides two types of DNC list:

Master DNC
User DNC.
Master DNC list is the country-wide DNC list provided by the government bodies such as FCC and FTC in the U.S. Whereas User DNC is a list for every user who is performing fax or voice broadcasting using ICTBroadcast.

DNC compliance software
Inbound Phone Surveys for Enhanced

Surveys & Polls

An ideal customer survey voice would provide a business-wide platform for gathering, evaluating, and acting on feedback. The great news is, the customer’s voice affects the entire company, including every unit and every department working together to solve customer concerns or to meet customer requirements.

Personal Communication

Tokens are variables that replace their value dynamically while the campaign is running. Tokens have a predefined way to use. IVR applications, SMS messages, and Email templates allow you to enter or select tokens.
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Subscription Campaign

Integration Campaign can be implemented in a number of fields. To read in detail you can visit Integration Campaign. To prepare and use Integration campaigns a user has to complete the following steps.

Create Contact List
Create recordings
Create campaign

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Appointment Reminder

ICTBroadcast is a unique auto dialer that can be used as an automated appointment reminder software. Appointment reminders in simple words are devices, software applications, or alarms that help remind us of different events. Appointments are necessary and thus part of every walk of life. Every person desires that any important or minor appointment should not be forgotten.
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IVR Campaign

IVR stands for voice interactive response. IVR applications are programs that are programmed to communicate via voice recognition software or telephone keypads with live callers. The IVR system offers a way to bring callers to the right department quicker, instead of having a live person to guide calls. IVR systems are a must for call centers to manage the number of calls.
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Inbound & Outbound

ICTBroadcast predictive dialer includes complete and advanced call center functionalities such as inbound call center and outbound call center with power dialer, predictive dialer, press 1 dialer, Robo dialer, dynamic dialer modes. A call center is a physical place or office used for receiving or making a large volume of requests via telephone. This Autodialer software fulfills both inbound and outbound call center functionality very well.

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Dynamic communication

Dynamic / Permanent mode requires REST API’s. With this mode activated, the campaign always remain in listening mode, It accepts contact number from external application / CRM using Rest API in real-time and add said contact/lead into the contact list of the campaign and said contact is called real-time and necessary action is performed on it,
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DTMF Responses

ICTBroadcast has a survey campaign for telephone surveys and polls that automatically dials a list of numbers and when a call is answered it asks the call recipients a set of questions that they respond to by using their telephone keypad. ICTBroadcast comes with very interactive graphical charts and reports for survey campaigns.
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Fax Broadcasting

Fax broadcasting is a good method of marketing and ideal to address a specific target market. It is a fast method of marketing. It is a direct and cost-effective marketing solution.
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SMS Broadcasting

A way of sending SMS or text messages in bulk to multiple recipients is SMS broadcasting. Essentially, you can use an online SMS gateway to relay a message and have the message sent directly to the handset of the recipient.
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Email Broadcasting

Email broadcasting is an excellent method to market your product and services. It increases return on investment by creating more opportunities for your business. You can boost your business relationships with huge audiences.
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