call detail report

Campaign Reporting

ICTBroadcast has chart-based reporting that makes viewing and analyzing a campaign much easier. You can now view the contact details (contact list) of those who answered your call, and of those where the call failed (due to Busy, No Answer, Congestion, Unknown error). You can export these contact lists for further processing. Learn more about ICTBroadcast

IVR studio

IVR stands for voice interactive response. IVR applications are programs that are programmed to communicate via voice recognition software or telephone keypads with live callers. The IVR system offers a way to bring callers to the right department quicker, instead of having a live person to guide calls. IVR systems are a must for call centers to manage the number of calls.

Live Statistics

Live Statistics

ICTBroadcast provides a complete call tracking and monitoring system. Admin can monitor active users load, live calls, and gateway loads, as well as system and campaign statistics. Learn more about ICTBroadcast

Advance user management

ICTBroadcast is a web-based multi-tenant package that provides a user panel and an admin panel and both can perform various operations. A user can manage his contacts, manage voice recordings, manage fax documents, make payments, view his/her balance, and view call detail reports.
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Campaign Statistics

ICTBroadcast has chart-based reporting that makes viewing and analyzing a campaign much easier. You can now view the contact details (contact list) of those who answered your call, and of those where the call failed (due to Busy, No Answer, Congestion, Unknown error). You can export these contact lists for further processing. Learn more about ICTBroadcast.
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Campaign Reporting

ICTBroadcast has chart-based reporting that makes viewing and analyzing a campaign much easier. You can now view the contact details (contact list) of those who answered your call, and of those where the call failed (due to Busy, No Answer, Congestion, Unknown error). You can export these contact lists for further processing. Learn more about ICTBroadcast.
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Real-time Control

ICT Broadcast has different broadcasting campaigns each targeting your telemarketing needs. These broadcasting campaigns make it a complete unified broadcasting platform Management of Campaigns is this much easy than having only basic knowledge of the computer one can operate. Buttons have been provided to start, modify, delete, cancel, monitor, and view results.
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CRM Integration

A CRM (Custom Relationship Management) is the software that helps you to track all customer information and interactions in one location to follow more leads.ICTBroadcast is a system that can seamlessly integrate CTI with CRM. It brings all this information into one cohesive unit. The customer’s complete history with your business exists alongside a list of your deals; your emails, notes, and appointments live in one interface.
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Campaign Scheduling

You can schedule campaigns and can set a campaign to start and stop on a particular date, or time, as well as setting days of the week. Campaigns will automatically start and stop on the specified day and time. Learn more about ICTBroadcast
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Live call Monitoring

ICTBroadcast provides a complete call tracking and monitoring system. Admin can monitor active users load, live calls, and gateway loads, as well as system and campaign statistics. Learn more about ICTBroadcast
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Contact Management

ICTBroadcast boasts excellent contact management and filtering system. You can categorize and manage contacts destination-wise, filter duplicate and invalid contacts, and also import contacts from external files in CSV format. Learn more about ICTBroadcast
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Multiple SIP Trunks

ICTBroadcast supports multiple trunks at a time. Each campaign can use more than one trunk concurrently. If a trunk is working to full capacity then the remaining trunks will be used as necessary. Learn more about ICTBroadcast
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Dedicated sip Trunks

ICTBroadcast is a multi-tenant autodialer that can send thousands of voice messages, text messages, emails, and fax simultaneously through campaigns. All this data is transmitted when Trunks is configured in ICTBroadcast. There are two ways to configure trunks:
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TimeZone based calling

Robocalls are pre-recorded or auto-dialed calls to your mobile phone or landline, usually when you have not given the caller permission to contact you. They are sometimes made by telemarketers, usually unsolicited, who are callers calling you to sell a product or service. Besides telemarketers, such as debt collectors, robocalls may also come from other agencies.
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Custom Caller ID

Caller ID is a phone feature that, if available, provides the name and number of a calling party. Technically, Caller ID only includes the calling party’s phone number, but its use as a term has essentially rendered it popular with the calling name, too. A service named CNAM actually provides the name of the calling party.
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ivr studio

IVR stands for voice interactive response. IVR applications are programs that are programmed to communicate via voice recognition software or telephone keypads with live callers. The IVR system offers a way to bring callers to the right department quicker, instead of having a live person to guide calls. IVR systems are a must for call centers to manage the number of calls.
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Live Statistics

ICTBroadcast provides a complete call tracking and monitoring system. Admin can monitor active users load, live calls, and gateway loads, as well as system and campaign statistics. Learn more about ICTBroadcast
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Call Throttling

ICTBroadcast features a complete call throttling mechanism. You can set a number of channels in terms of campaign, user, trunk, and node. It is also possible to increase and decrease concurrent channels limits for active campaigns in real-time.
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CNAM Support

ICTBroadcast facilitates its users to implement the LCR technique in Routing. LCR synonym of Least Cost Routing is a process to find the most inexpensive way to route phone calls. It is the process of analyzing and selecting the most economical path of outbound and inbound communications traffic. LCR can be configured in ICTBroadcast by adding the prefixes of available networks.
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Opt-Out ivr

Each country has different laws and regulations regarding telemarketing / robocalling and as a business, you need to take care and comply with these laws and regulations accordingly while doing telemarketing/auto-dialing robocalling / Voice broadcasting / cold calling / SMS messaging / fax broadcasting. These laws vary from country to country.
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hlr lookup

ICTBroadcast facilitates its users to implement the LCR technique in Routing. LCR synonym of Least Cost Routing is a process to find the most inexpensive way to route phone calls. It is the process of analyzing and selecting the most economical path of outbound and inbound communications traffic. LCR can be configured in ICTBroadcast by adding the prefixes of available networks.
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